Monday, July 1, 2024

Maui & Michele

Much of life in Albert's Turkey revolves around cats.

This time it began when an elderly client of Michelle's had to move; each of the couple took two cats but neither could take Maui. Attempts to find the 19-year-old a home went unfulfilled until finally, after Double El agreed to fund her, One El agreed to house her.

The Cat Diva came out of retirement for four hours to give Maui a full spa treatment including grooming and bath.

One El ------------------------------------------------- The Cat Diva

A trip to The Vet showed good teeth so they laid in a stock of middens-litter and myriad flavors of food. Within a few days Maui settled onto One El's bed and was keeping her company through the night.

Then, yesterday afternoon, she started having seizures. Sunday afternoon is not the best time, but, you know, this is a cat. They ended up at a Vet an hour north in Algodones.

When her blood-work came back it showed the seizures had taken their toll. They still had another sit to do so decided to let her stay overnight at the Vet's where she could be kept comfortable; they'd come back today to bring her home to be euthanized. At 11:30 pm One El told her good night and they returned to Albuq. It was 1:47 a.m. when Michelle (Double El) pulled into the driveway.

This morning Maui was up and eating well and looking around for something to do. Instead of euthanasia, the Michellles (three els when spoken of collectively) are bringing her home to continue the opera. The fat lady ain't sung yet.

As aging Boomers meet their demise, these dramas are happening more frequently. Please consider adopting an older animal. Maui's bill is well over $2,000.00 but her show of appreciation is priceless. 

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