Thursday, July 25, 2024

Fleetwood Monarch Bow

It's been over a year since, figuring I wasn't gonna need it anymore, I donated my Samick Sage bow and custom-crafted flu-flus from Easton arrows to charity.

Now, still here and bored to tears, I broke down and spent $160.00 for a new (see blog title) bow and three carbon-fiber arrows from Warrior

(This Libre Baskerville font is pretty cool, donchyuhtink?)

As a legend in my own mind, I used to practice -- with my .357 pistol -- shooting from the hip. I'd set up a half-liter bottle, start walking and when I was about 10 or 12' away I'd pivot & fire. Eventually, after 30 years or so, I could hit it... deadcenter.

Now you may snort in derision and I'd buy yuh a beer; certainly, Annie Oakley woulda died laffin'. But I figured iffen I ever was inna sitch-ee-ayshun whar I needed a gun, if I was any further than 12 feet I'd try running. (course, that wuz back when I cud run.) 

Anyway, as much as I enjoy remembering my purple-handled, long-barreled six-shooters I had as a five-year-old, 

I never grew accustomed to the noise of real guns. (Wasn't big on noise of toy ones either.) After the heart-attack (lotta hyphens here, Art; are you noticing?) I gave away the guns and made the move to archery.

Anyway, when testing the bow at the store I was pleased to see I could still hit the target. 

Today, I went out to address the haybales and the photo at the top shows how it went. The shot at the upper right was when I tried to aim.

I stand behind the chairs...34'6" from the target.

Check out the snazzie quiver...$10 from Amazon.

Though the Monarch label is on the upper limb, I like to make it easy. I had a label from an excellent German stout on my Samick but since my beer-swilling days have ended, I used a Darrell Lea licorice label.

tap the image to goto their website

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