Friday, July 12, 2024

Costantini Chair

Some twenty or twenty-five years ago I rescued the chair from the curb in the student ghetto. About ten or so years ago, when I still had money -- or thought I did -- I had it refinished. 

After years of searching for a fabric identical to the original, we settled on something sortof. And Michelle began.

As luck would have it, her heirloom Swingline staple-gun was out of staples. She purchased some nice-looking 9/16, 9mm staples from Staples, the office supply store. They didn't fit. We ordered some from Office Max. Further research disclosed the staple-gun was broken. I disassembled and perused, but to no avail. 

We acquired a NEW staplegun...the Bostich "Heavy Duty."

The Bostitch 9MMs didn't fit. I returned the gun to Lowe's and came back with an Arrow Heavy Duty Type T50 stapler. It's "action" was too stiff  for her and the 9MMs proved to be too long. I returned the 9MMs to Staples, went back to Lowe's and repurchased the stapler shown above with staples to fit. Michelle began again.

In the Beginning


Pietro Constantini

Ten years in the making. Let it never be said that The Squidges ever rushed a job.

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