Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Heart Surgeries You Don't Hear About

In a bed in the Emergency Room at St Mary's Hospital in Tuscon, Dr. Gonzales said I needed bypass surgery RIGHT NOW!! When I declined he threatened to have me committed whereupon they would do as they pleased. I stood my ground and he called the psychiatrist.

Fortunately, she was of sound mind, affirmed mine, and I was free to go.

Over the years people have asked - many with incredulity - why I haven't had surgery. I don't usually tell of the research that influenced me, but when you delve a bit, the statistics aren't as cheerful as the surgeons would have you believe.

Now & then there's one of gold.

Today I found The Furry Gnome's (F.G.) blog. (And in list at right)

This post, March 5, 2018, begins the tale.


I chose my bed and am, increasingly, spending more time in it. F.G. is a FAR stronger-willed individual than I. But his story is similar to the many that helped me decide. We don't hear from  the ones who die on the table or within a short time; or who suffer for months then expire. 

As ole J. Krishnamurti suggested, youse may wanna, "Think on these things."

I do, as I toddle down the hall, on my own two feets, every morning.


  1. These are things I've been thinking about all year. I haven't come up with any answers though. Well, maybe one. Quality over quantity.

  2. John,

    I'm glad you found me. I knew you would. At the end of Wahnfried I was getting over 3k hits a month. There're only about 8 or 9 folks who read the blog so when I started Albert's Turkey I decided to "play the coquette" and not say anything. I now get 9-12 hits a day.

    I left a comment yesterday on Furry Gnome's July, 23, 2018 post (I think). He hasn't let it through. In it I asked if he'd describe his feelings. I didn't ask, but I wonder how he's managed to accept his situation?

    And you? What has you cogitating?

    A book you might like: Lo-TEK: Design by Radical Indigenism by Julia Watson. Amazingly, the library had it!

  3. It took awhile to find you because I've been distracted/maybe a little PTSD after Justin's and my Dad's deaths. Justin's life was too short, while my Dad's life was too long. Fate has a way of interfering with our own designs for a full and not too long life. Choosing one's bed over a surgical table or hospital bed certainly seems reasonable to me at this point.
