Capitalism has won out. Democracy has shot its wad. The rich have gotten richer and the poor we still have with us. The under-educated are fed up w having to kow-tow to the colordz and kweerz.
"We don't need no stinkin' catalytic converters, seatbelts, helmets or vaccines! Alluz we need iz guns, grabable pussy, football and cheap beer."
It's taken 50 years to move manufacturing out of the country. You'll recall the clothing tags citing Bangladesh, and others until now, finally...China. Tariffs aren't gonna rebuild the economy. The manufacturing businesses of tomorrow will be, as they are already, run by robots. The working-man's day is over. Your guess is as good as any as to what we'll do with the milling multitudes. Let 'em eat cake; or war amongst themselves as they do in the ghettos.
The obvious solution is to invade Venezuela. With 500 BILLION barrels of oil, we wouldn't need to drill the arctic or Greenland. Besides, Chevron is already onsite and the country is used to oligarchy. And we could easily control access to and egress from The Canal! OMG!!
Do it! For the bears!
(Of course, with the greenhouse gas effect, the bears'll fade out with all the other "losers." But then, have you really missed the dodo or passenger pigeon? Google "Recent animal extinctions.")
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