Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A Good Day To Pie!

For the Love of Pie got me going.

I used the recipe for Blackberry Rhubarb with toasted almond cobbler.

Hit whar a touré d'force!

Flour littered every flat surface; crumbs of sugar are still, an hour afterward, falling from my hair.

Thank god I didn't make plum pie. We'd have never gotten any sleep. I had two and two peaches while contemplating the job and have had to visit the ceramic defecatorium four times.

As luck abounds, I discovered a can of rhubarb and a can of tart cherries in the cupboard. With the addition of a can of recently purchased whole cranberries (Trader Joe's only carries 'em on holidayz!), I had four cups of fruit. 

I halved it and made two sortof galettés.

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