Monday, May 27, 2024

Process...NOT Goal

This post, the one you're now looking at, was the first on Wahnfried Der Nomad. In October of 2023, after retiring from the road, I changed the blog's title to Wahnfried Der Feststehend, which translates to "settled." Though much iis different, as its said in Waiting For Godot: The essential doesn't change. Thus, I decided to reuse that first post on this one. 

That said, if you read the last post on Wahnfried Der Feststehend, you might've expected me, as did I, to be dead. It's a puzzle, but I'm doing what I can to keep my "‘satiable curtiosities" (ala Kipling's The Elephant's Child) going.

Below is the post as it appears on Wahnfried Der Festehend....

...once we recognize the process nature of human experience and the infinite potentialities of human thinking and discovery, we give up hope of an orderly and completed system of thinking.

But having given that up, we are begun upon an intellectual adventure which has within it high excitement and genuine creative potential. Many of us will find the ambiguity and inexorable incompleteness of this approach to be threatening. Certainly I experience these feelings myself.

But I know too that once we change the conception of the enterprise in which we are engaged to that of exploration in an infinite system, once we give up the hope of making the ultimate and definitive discovery and recognize that our transaction with our experience of the out-there is a creative, artistic one, there is more to be gained than lost.

And if Manny (with cigar) sez it's so, it's so!


  1. Good to see you are still with us. May I suggest you put a post up at the original blog with the information. I only found out about this reading your comment to the last post there.

  2. Bill,

    Nice to see you too.

    I have several reasons for not posting info about this blog. In the last six months of Wahnfried I was getting 30,000 hits a month. I didn't know what to attribute them to since I *knew* there were only ten or fifteen people reading it more than once a year. When I started Albert's Turkey, I wanted only the people like yourself, who looked closely enough, to find me.

    Also, as I wrote in this post

    being alive, after all the drama, seems anticlimactic. The guy at the Cardiac Rehab Lab assured me I could go at any time so it was reasonable to think in those terms. But Phoebe's mechanic admonished me for it and asked, "When are you gonna start living again?"

    Some days are good and others, like today, I can barely get out of bed; I feel too tired to do anything. It's all I can do to toddle to the bathroom. Maybe you know what I'm talking about?

    It seems I'm/we're part of a cohort. Some, like She-of-the-Capri, are, at 74, are in good shape and hummin' along. Others...not so good. The rest are going or gone. I still have the three posts on Wahnfried that'll appear after I stop moving them forward. I may do the same here, but I still have some optimism. When I wrote the last post on Wahnfried I thought it was over.

    You're one of a few who've found me. The others also came from Wahnfried. I like knowing there're only a feels more intimate. I write mostly for keep up with what's happened and to be able to look back. Every now and then I felt as if I wrote something readable, but not often enough to attract folks. I figure anyone here besides me has to be pretty unique. And it's been true. Reading your writing, Bosque Bill's, Brewed Journey (blogs on the right side in desktop view) are special people.

    Good to see you again!

    I really enjoyed you last post and some others, including the one about Diane Feinstein.

    Why did you stopped writing?

