Thursday, May 30, 2024


I started school, University, at age 33. I didn't have anything in particular in mind; I'd grown bored with my thoughts and was curious. The U seemed a good place to go find out.

When I asked the philosophy professor the meaning of life he replied, "Free time."

Herewith is an excerpt from page nine of Patricia Hampl's Blue Arabesque: A Search for the Sublime.

This is how it's done...

Illustration by Marc Marc Simont
from Ten Copycats In A Boat
(Harper & Row, 1980)


  1. ...better? ...the new blog is unexpected.

    1. Art,

      The covid did a "reset" on my heart meds. I was over the maximum dosage...the point at which further increase would have no effect. My cardiologist told me I'd know the end was nigh when the meds stopped working; I figured it wouldn't be much longer as I'd been steadily losing energy over the past year...even more than before. I told Kristen goodbye...I couldn't keep up with her. We still email frequently and talk on the phone every few days.

      Hospice kept turning me down. Then came covid, or something equally fierce. I lost 30 pds in four weeks. I couldn't take any meds. Couldn't even drink water...just threw it back up. I ate crushed ice. Eventually it went away. When the angina came back I started with the minimum dose. Two months later I'm still getting by on it.

      A few weeks ago Michelle suggested the gym. Despite being fatties, we've always done some form of exercise. I wasn't very optimistic, but felt well enough to give it a try. I've picked up a little strength and a teensy bit of stamina. The angina flares every six hours to remind me to take it easy, but based on my current dosage, I'm thinking I've been granted a reprieve...thx to covid!

      Life here is pretty mundane. The Guild Theater shows some interesting movies, but that's about it, except for the library; I'm well-known at the inter-library loan desk.

      Michelle has a wonderful sense of humor and we laugh alot. There's a chance we'll make art. Or rather, *she'll* make art and I'll stick odds & ends together. She has a whole house full of materials.

      It's nice to be back with our art collection.

      How are *you?* You never replied to my asking about your friend dying. Was she aware you were there?

      NOW are you gonna let me see your writing?

      Good to hear from you. Can you call me sometime? 505-293-0614 (after 10 a.m. Mountain Time)

  2. If I "allow third party cookies" I can comment using my Google profile. I then go back and block 'em (as per Google's suggestion).
