Saturday, October 5, 2024


It's been decades since i watched my weight spiral upward. Astonished, i kept a pad in the bathroom cabinet to record it. It was 155 when I tested for 1st degree black-belt in '93. Despite trips to the faculty weight-room at lunch, extra workouts at home on the heavy bag and riding bicycle eight miles to and from the University, when, almost five years later, it neared 200 I went to the doctor; my thyroid had given out.

Every now & then i have a cookie.


  1. I have every symptom of hypothyroidism. I ballooned up to 238! After the stomach/esophageal surgery because of a hiatal hernia, I did lose weight to 214 and I am stuck there. Because of all the back and foot problems I'm pretty sedentary and I hate it.

    I have every symptom but all my lab work comes back fine. I think I'm going to go eat a cookie! LOL

  2. You looked good in the picture with two friends at the coast.
