Sunday, March 16, 2025

They're Not Waiting For Summer

My stomach, encroachingly substantializing over the last 20 years, has, this last year, ballooned into a prodiousness that April, my weekly massuese, is convinced is octuplets.

The angina flares as I hobble to the ceramic defecatorium less than 15 feet away. Thank the gods for indoor plumbing! Meds are needed every five hours, augmented with ginger capsules to help stave off the nausea.

Life infuses around 5 pm in time for a baaahth; to assemble dinner or a cake. On a good day I "exercise" as April has encouraged by swinging my legs backward; forward motion being constrained by arthritis in both hips. 

Almost completely bedridden, I read and play the stock market. If I'd held QBTS last week I'd be $400.00 richer. But I'm studying William J. O'Neil's method & sold when it dropped below 14% (O'Neil says SELL at 7%). I watched with chagrin as it picked itself up, dusted off and at the end of the week clambered back up leaving me $60.00 poorer. 

And last week my cardiologist washed her hands of me. When I asked about further pain management she said when things get bad I should goto the E.R.  I called a couple of E.R.s and they said they'd need to use an I.V. to administer anything and since my Advance Directives clearly state NO INVASIVE TECHNIQUES, I'm out of luck. 

I recently got a deal on a subscription to the Wall Street Journal, Barron's, Market Watch and Investor's Business Daily -- all for seven bucks a month -- and read with interest of Dr. Kahneman going to Switzerland to "check out."

I'm considering it. My sister lives in Bad Kreuznach, Germany and would, I think, help me navigate. After all, it's obviously time to leave the country. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Someone, perhaps it was Laura Huxley that said: the challenge of olde age is adaptation. 

Then there's resignation. 


Every Mens' Room Should Have One

Drawing by Michelle Cook

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Musk: To the Polish foreign minister

Be quiet, small man. There is no substitute for starlink.

My god!!!! Unbelievably rude!! 

Ben Meidas

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Phoebe's Wishful Thinking

The Volvo died as they were leaving for The Springs. She got excited about car-shopping and settled on the new Lexus GX-550 Trailtuff. 

Gearjunkie article

Bryon Dorr of Gearjunkie has a 2013 he added Scheelmann seats to. Now Phoebe wants one. There's only the driver's so it's not that much to ask.

Photos are UNattributed but
Imma gonna surmise Byron took it.

Here're some gallery shots of a CJ. The 8+ photos give the idea.